Collaborative Origami
Timing: 15 mins Ingredients: Origami instructions for half the participants (like this one) Blank standard sized printer paper for half the participants Directions: Pair up participants and provide an...
View Article99 Test Balloons
Timing: 30 mins Ingredients: 20-30 balloons per team Supplies for each team: construction paper, rulers, scissors, markers Directions: Start by showing the teams a balloon that you would like created...
View ArticleTheory of Constraints Dice Game
Timing: 10-15 mins Ingredients: 100+ Toothpicks (or something similar) At least one Die Directions: Participants line up in a row with a collection of toothpicks (or something similar) placed with the...
View ArticleBang For The Buck Prioritization
Timing: 1 hour Ingredients: A list of backlog items (epics / stories) to prioritize. Players (5..8 recommended): Product Manager / Product Owner Development Team Directions: The goal of this game is to...
View ArticleBalloon Animals
(this exercise was co-created as part of a collaboration day between myself and Geoff Watts) Timings: Unspecified, but allow up to 20-30 mins for balloon making and debrief Materials: Download and...
View ArticleSwedish Stories
This exercise was co-created as part of a collaboration day between myself and Paul Goddard and was inspired by Neil Mullarkey Timing: 15 minutes Materials: None Instructions: Arrange the group so one...
View ArticleStory Spines
Simon Bennett generously introduced us to this game during the Scrum Trainers Retreat in Amsterdam in 2010. It is a common improv game Timing: 15 minutes Materials: 6 Chairs Pre-prepared index cards...
View ArticleThirty-Five
I was introduced to this technique by Xavier Quesada Allue who told me he learned it from Tobias Mayer. A reference to this can also be found in Jean Tabaka’s book: Collaboration Explained (p207)...
View Article(Français) 99 Ballons de test
English version available here : This post only contains french version.
View ArticleUser Stories vs Requirements
Disclaimer: I learned this exercise from Sarah Klarich, I don’t know where she learned it from (Teresa Carlisle according to the document author?) but it’s extremely effective at communicating why User...
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